Kindly Interrupted- My first EP and the story behind it

These songs are all about about the moment I was kindly Interrupted.

The moment I was kindly interrupted from my usual way of thinking, doing and being.

It’s about the moment, the moments I kindly interrupted myself and began the deep dive (trip/journey/mission) to truly learn myself. To become myself. A better self. And to discover myself. Over and over again.

Although at the beginning, I really wasn’t actually quite sure what I was creating, these songs became about finding my truth, self expression and embracing that vulnerability.

And My goodness did I do that.

These songs cracked me open, wider than i have ever gone.

This project became about embracing those past moments, those strong beliefs, and those programs that had me thinking small.
That have us thinking small. Thinking the same, Safe, Quiet and unaware and sharing my findings, my discoveries with someone.

This project is about embracing moments, and turning them into something greater.

For the highest good of all. 

It’s about turning those past moments, those strong beliefs and those programs Into something else. Like the real truth.
My truth.

Your truth.

 Our truth

And you see… once I started to embody this new understanding, I heard a voice . It was easier to hear things now.

It said go bigger. Alot bigger.

So here we are.

and I’ m so happy you are here too.

xo Erin

Erin Chisholm